Poliana Pereira / The Female Gaze

Poliana Pereira, Brazilian documentary photographer currently based on Ribeirão Preto.
Poli is part of the series " Curating New Angles", where Roberta Tavares is conducting an experience based on previous exercises and narratives main points and pointers of those sustaining a visual identity by elements and moods who plays with imaagination and interpretation but they are back to the questions and provocations that make these authors and storytellers unique in their purpose.
The story " Female Gaze" exams the new visual culture and innovative frames' perspective on bodies, sexual lanscape and storytelling objetification. When the new narratives find space to rupture with the predicatble iconography, that comes freasher and innovative with new agents and new territories for the body of the photographer. We are nestled in certain tiredness where we dont blink and we are hungry for other than the same validated inherited gaze. The beauty of not understamating an audience and the cultural scope within it is inserted on. (Roberta Tacares )
Insta: @polianapereira